Monday 17 September 2012






I don't get why some of us disrespect our parents. They are the ones who brought us into this world and brought us up in the right and best way. Some of us just never seem to realize how important our parents are in our lives. In fact, they are our no. 1 fans and biggest supporters of our life choices. From a tender age...
up until we leave this world, our parents will forever want to know whats going on in our lives. And like the fellow below...
Please never ever ask your parents such a question. Neither should you indicate by way of rude body language that you wish you were never born. It just shows how shallow minded and selfish you are. In return, you will get the most sad statement you wish you never heard from your parents...
The above statement is the most heart sinking sentence we should try to prevent our parents from uttering. In case this happens (God forbid), then you should immediately rectify this depressing moment by saying/doing the below act...

Once you utter the above words (sorry), when you realize you have wronged your parents or parent, all will be well. Its called taking responsibility of your own actions/mistakes.

Good Day :)

Sunday 16 September 2012

Oh my my my my...people, we should try our best not to make our live appear like the face you see above! Take things slowly, keenly and go step by step. I get it that we often get furious when things don't go as we expect them to. But that is no excuse of showing the world how things are not working out. Just look for another alternative of making things work and do it to the best of your ability. And you never know...but you just may end up looking like this guy below.
Try it. It will work :)

Good Evening